Amelia Mansfield

Amelia Mansfield

Department: Creative Writing
Discipline: English

Project Summary

My PhD project, ‘1001 Candles: Reclaiming the Regency’, consists of creative and critical components. My creative thesis is an eccentric fantastical novel set in the English Regency, taking as its inspiration both the social realist novels of the period and the Arabian Nights. The critical aspect of my thesis will look at wider representations of the Regency period in modern fiction, in particular the fantasy of manners and the Regency romance novel, and the Regency-reading community.

Supervisory Team

  • Philip Hensher, Associate Professor

Wider Research Interests

My research interests are currently focused on fantastic realist fiction, intertextuality, and young adult/children’s literature. I am also a devotee of nineteenth-century novels and a strong proponent of good quality ‘genre’ and popular fiction.

Outside of my PhD project, I am also working on a series of YA fantasy novels based on Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene.