Claire Parker

October 2013

Training in SKIP measures

Designed and delivered training to undergraduates students on the administration and scoring of measures used within the SKIP (Supporting KIds, avoiding Problems) study as part of their dissertation projects.

December 2012

Psychometric assessments

Teaching delivered to psychology undergraduate students as part of their third year dissertation projects. The teaching involved a general overview of psychometric tests, their use, purpose and involvement in research. Students were also trained to carry out specific psychometric assessments to be used within schools.

May 2012

Teacher Pupil Observation Tool (TPOT) training

Delivered training on the Teacher Pupil Observation Tool (TPOT) to researchers who will be using the TPOT within the STARS trial (Supporting Teachers and Children in School). 

February 2012

Training in ASD intervention and diagnosis

I was involved in delivering training in ASD interventions and diagnosis for Peninsula Medical School staff and students.

October 2011 to June 2012

Autism and developmental disorders

This teaching was delivered as part of the 'worrying child' week for third year undergraduate medical students. The sessions ran for 2 hours each week and covered teaching around diagnosis and aetiology of autism and developmental disorders as well as being a space where the students could reflect upon their experiences within the clinic that week. 

October 2011 to present

Supervision to third year undergraduate students

I provide additional support to the students alongside their main supervisor through their dissertations. As a psychology graduate I am able to offer guidance about the dissertation process as a whole, this may include support with statistical analysis,  structuring the dissertation and discussing ideas about the students future aspirations.