Derek Philip

Graduate School Skills Workshops

18th June 2015:

Researcher Development: My Career Zone - Research planning and time management

11th July 2014:

Researcher Development: Making the most of Conferences

A very useful webinar providing advice on how to present at academic conferences. In particular, it considered how to present for a specific audience, how to structure the presentation as well as giving practical advice on anticipating questions and body language. This is particularly useful for the EEDD040 Research Networking module. 

30th January 2014:

Researcher Development: Managing your research project

This workshop has helped me through the initial stages of my research project; setting goals and planning project tasks, sequences and timelines. The section on stakeholders has been particularly useful as that is often an area that presents difficult during research if it is not adequately considered and addressed.

29th January 2014:

Researcher Development: Developing your online professional profile

This webinar looked at the importance of using social media (in this case Linked In) to present a professional research profile.

29th December 2013:

Researcher Development: How do I stop wasting my time?

Looking at issues of time management and how to plan effectively. Effective and regular planning is important during regular study sessions as that can ensure that there are appropriate goals set. Planning and estimating time is also necessary for research projects to ensure that everything will be completed prior to the deadline. In terms of time management, if you are able to work with items that are important but not urgent then that demonstrates control, vision and awareness and will reduce stress levels. 

29th December 2013:

Researcher Development: Reviewing, managing and using literature

This session focussed on the production of a research literature review; why it should be done and how to go about producing one successfully. 

17th August 2013:

Researcher Development: Understanding plagiarism



9th April 2013:


I delivered a poster presentation at the IATEFL 2013 conference at Liverpool, UK entitled 'Action research for the professional development of EFL teachers'. 

Vitae Online Hangout

21st May 2015:

Get your voice heard and boost your career

"Discussion regarding research staff associations and their benefits both to the career of individual researchers and to the research and higher education environment in general."

26th March 2015:

Improving equality in the research environment