Felix Leung

8th February 2015 to 10th March 2015

GEO1315 Research Methods for Geographers using SPSS

1.       To introduce students to SPSS, the standard software package used for statistics teaching at stages 1 and 2.

2.       To allow students to familiarise themselves with the layout of the programme, ensuring that they complete the practical with a sufficient knowledge and understanding of the basic ‘analyze’ and graphical functions that are built into SPSS

3.       To build on material taught in lectures which introduce students to data collection (sampling), scales of measurement, parametric and non-parametric tests and the three main families of statistical test (inferential, relational and explanatory statistics).

6th February 2015 to 3rd April 2015

Statistics support workshops for Geography final year project

This is to provide student support for statistics in their project, we will be offering undergraduate students final year support sessions that are designed to:
• Provide technical support for analysing research data for dissertation
• Help students to work through problem solving issues related to statistics
to enable them to enhance their independent learning skills;
• Provide a ‘help desk’ style support environment for students to bring data
and discuss their research analyses.
It is a one to one support for statistics teaching and learning. We were given
training by Education Enhancement and it requires a comprehensive knowledge of statistics with the basic elements of statistical analysis and software programmes like SPSS. The sessions are designed to provide students with independent learning skills, rather than being taught by PTA staff.

8th October 2014 to 3rd December 2014

ECM3735 Final year mathematics group project

This is a final year project for mathematics students. I assisted advisor Sarah Chadburn in leading the students in the Snow Project. This project use JULES (Joint UK Land Environment Simulator) to simulate the permafrost change in three different Arctic sites. We test different parameters in the model to make sure the model could perform well.
My duty is to assist students running the model in linux and analyse the model output using R. 

6th October 2014 to 6th October 2014

GEO3225 Historical Changes in Atmospheric Composition and links to Climate

The aim of this session is to gives students a hand on experience on processing data that is used in climate model analysis. They will learn how CO2 measured differ from the monitoring stations because of the locations. They will also understand the relationship of anthropogenic CO2 emission and atmospheric CO2 growth. Internal variability of earth system such as El Nino Southern Oscillation is investigated and analysed using the model output (MEI). The impact of atmospheric CO2 emissions on carbon sink in land and ocean is also investigated. Students also learn how these data and analysis applied in the Global Carbon budget and IPCC AR4 (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report).  Students would also learn how to analyse data using Excel.

By the end of the session, students should be able to:

Able to plot graph of trends in CO2 concentration over a period and spot the differences of emission and growth rate.

Make connections between anthropogenic CO2 emission and CO2 growth rate

Quantify the change in global temperature

      Evaluate the climate sensitivity from climate data

2nd June 2014 to 8th June 2014

Grand Challenge facilitator

As a facilitator we lead students to research the 'National Park Dilemma', more specifically, we focused on the role of national parks in the conservation of flora and fauna - both positive and negative attributes - and the impact such parks have on indigenous peoples. We researched the topic and wrote electronic articles aimed at students to promote the truth of national parks.
We aimed to persuade readers to travel ethically, for example, steer away 'lion orphanages' that promote canned lion hunting, as well as inform them on how they can help - e.g. through tourism - conserve the natural wildernesses of national parks.

I facilitated students to create a permanent willow sculpture of snow leopard in the campus that promote the importance of conservation. 




1st February 2014 to 18th March 2014

LTHE stage 2

Teaching for interactive learning, teaching methods, using technology

Assessment principles

Lesson planning

Marking and giving feedback

Microteaching exercise

Evaluating practice and future professional development

27th January 2014 to 17th February 2014

GEO2221 Catchment hydrology and geomorphology

The teaching session is divided into a computer practical and a field trip. In the computer practical, students need to run the climate model JULES and compare meteorological driving data, simulated heat and moisture fluxes and soil moisture dynamics at two contrasting sites. Students need to compare the two sites and test out the model performance.


The field trip will allow students to identify triggering factors of different erosion features in real time. The students will be able to describe erosion features and its temporal and spatial variability. They will also be able to evaluate the impact of landslide on the field landscape. Students are required to produce a poster with map of those erosion features.

For the computer practical, I am responsible to help out students who get stuck with the climate model. I guide the students to follow the given instructions and explain the principle of running the climate model. I am also responsible to observe the students’ progress of the practical, if they fall behind I will lead them back to the right track. I am also responsible for aiding them to find out the answers in the practical questions. My role in the field trip is to support the lecturer, carry first aid kits. Supervise students, make sure they don’t left behind. I also answer students’ questions if they don’t understand what the lecturers are saying.

10th January 2014

LTHE Stage 1

LTHE is Learning and Teaching in Higher Education programme at University of Exeter