Francesco Orlandi

Department: Department of Archaeology
Discipline: Archaeology
Research Centre/Unit: Centre for the Archaeology of the Americas / EXCELAS

Project Summary

My academic background is strongly geared towards developing an interdisciplinary research strand within a well-grounded and expanding international research context and networks revolving around the study of the aesthetics and politics of Indigenous peoples’ rights and heritage. After a graduate training in prehistoric archaeology, I could cultivate a more self-reflective, critical, and social perspective on archaeology and complement it with anthropology and political science postgraduate courses, in which I focused on the history and practice of human rights, both at a global scale and through its imbrications in the Latin American region. This complementary education enhanced the theoretical framework and methodology that structured my PhD project at Exeter. My PhD dissertation is the first comprehensive study of this kind in the field of Critical Heritage Studies that tackles on both discursive and material dimensions of heritage policies, as well as its embedded multiple scales and temporalities, through a multi-sited archaeological ethnography in two South American countries, contributing towards a better understanding of the politics of indigeneity and heritage beyond their respective nationalist traditions of research.

Supervisory Team

Dr. Marisa Lazzari

Wider Research Interests

Cultural heritage studies, Indigenous rights and heritage, material culture of grassroots social movements, ruination of multiculturalism, history of human rights and international relations, ethnographic methods, qualitative methodologies.