
Log In

Log in using your University username and password to start work on your eProfile. If this is the first time you have logged in, a new eProfile will be created for you.

User name

Note: By using the eProfile system, you agree to abide by the University's regulations for using computing facilities.

We strongly recommend that you read the guide on How to Create an eProfile before you create your eProfile.

Your eProfile

An eProfile is an online 'window' on your academic life as an early-stage professional researcher. It has the potential to provide you with an opportunity to showcase your research progress, ideas and wider academic interests. In effect, it is a 'portal' on your work for fellow researchers within your department, the wider academic community, and collaborators, sponsors and employers. Your eProfile pages follow a professionally-designed exclusive PhD template which uses the University of Exeter 'brand'.


Being a professional researcher is about undertaking original
investigation, but it is also about networking, collaborating and getting your work and your name known. The eProfile provides you with a highly professional platform to do exactly this. The Graduate School wants Exeter PhD researchers to be outward facing and to promote their ideas to a wider national and international audience. Marketing yourself can add real value to your research experience and ultimately enhance your employability. Here are the main reasons why you should get an eProfile as a research student:

  • Visibility
    As an early-stage researcher, it is important that you have an online presence within the wider academic community. With eProfile you get your own unique web address (http://www.eprofile.ex.ac.uk/yourname).
  • Career
    Increasingly, academic researchers at all stages of their career set up and maintain their own website; we are now offering this to all PhD students right from the beginning of their career.
  • Networking and Collaboration
    Your eProfile can provide a powerful means for presenting your work and making contacts. You can add your personal eProfile address to presentations, conference papers, your email signature and business cards.
  • Professional development
    You can use your eProfile as a focus for your professional development over the course of your PhD, say by recording courses attended, conference papers given etc.