Nelressa Stallings-Faye

Department: TESOL
Discipline: Education
Research Centre/Unit: St. Luke's Campus/ Researcher Development and Research Culture

Project Summary

The education system in rural areas of the Alaskan arctic have traditionally dealt with issues of mismatched resources and a lack of cultural teaching methods recognizing the specialized practices of the indigenous community. Standard education in the region has followed a culturally western and lower 48 school district curriculum (e.g. United States). The curriculum is vastly different and overlooks the needs in the arctic bush (Alaska Alaskan Native Knowledge Network, 2006). In addition, daily social interactions are the source of learning in the region along with formal education in the classroom. However, during the COVID-19 quarantine, interactions have been limited to each learners’ individual home.

Accordingly, this study explores local indigenous teachers’ perspectives on teaching during the pandemic along with current academic conditions. In lieu of native teachers’ experiences being underrepresented in academic research, their insights are the guide for this study.

Supervisory Team

Education theory-emergent education, critical racial discourse analysis, place-based learning, technology and e-learning.