Peter Melville-Shreeve

Peter Melville-Shreeve

Department: College of Engineering Mathematics and Physical Sciences
Discipline: Engineering
Research Centre/Unit: Engineering Management

Wider Research Interests

I believe strongly in experiential learning and enjoy nurturing engineers and scientists to focus their efforts on impactful research and business services. I hold an Engineering Doctorate, and have worked experience in commercial roles having worked for over a decade in engineering consultancies and founded start ups.

I have experience developing products and working as a contractor for utility companies and manufacturers and as Director of an Industry 4.0 start up, have successfully bid for and executed EU funded R&D grant projects.

Academic Experience

As a research Fellow I worked on the EPSRC funded TWENTY65 project, exploring opportunities for rainwater to be re-used within our cities. I have worked closely with the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) developing publications on Sustainable Drainage and, more recently, COVID-19 preparedness (accpepted for publication August 2020). 

I have experience organising committees and groups and have chaired the southwest branch of CIWEM. Through this and the Institute of Water I have been fortunate enough to develop a strong network of local engineering specialists and managers. 

I have a facilitated NERC public engagement work at the Eden Project and provided evidence to Lord Krebs’ Climate Change Adaptation Committee. The support we fed into Lord Krebs’ committee was ultimately included in the UK’s Climate Change Risk Assessment Report.

My educational focus in the coming 24 months is to support our students to deliver from “idea to impact”, helping them develop proof of concept solutions and business structured around their research.

Over the last five years I have supported a series of Exeter’s MEng and MSc projects I am now seeking industry partners and entrepreneurial-minded PhD students to supervise in Industry 4.0 / Water 4.0 projects from 2021 onwards. 

If you are interested to work together on a research proposal, project or explore further collaboration, please drop me an email so we can Zoom-meet in the near future.