Rebecca Wyatt



College: Medical School
Discipline: Clinical Science
Department: Monogenic Diabetes
Research Centre/Unit: RILD Building 03.01

Rebecca has a background in biology and chemistry and completed her PhD "Developing novel reagents for characterising the B-cell autoimmune response in Type 1 Diabetes" in January 2018, where she primarily developed and optimised novel methods of detecting islet autoantibodies associated with type 1 diabetes. Before starting her PhD, Rebecca worked in an islet autoantibody reference lab and provided technical support for a series of national and international research studies into the prediction and prevention of type 1 diabetes. 

Since completing her PhD, she has studied the immunohistopathology of type 1 diabetes pancreata using state-of-the-art image analysis software. She is now investigating patients with extreme forms of diabetes including rare genetic forms and type 1 diabetes diagnosed in the first year of life. 

She has also established and chaired the Biomedical Early Career Researchers Network to facilitate sharing of ideas and cross-discipline collaboration opportunities.