Shahan Choudhury


22nd March 2019:

English Grammar for Teachers, UCL

22nd February 2019:

Primary ITE Conference, UKLA, London

23rd January 2019:

International Conference on Teaching Grammar, Barcelona Autonomous University

8th October 2018:

Rethinking Writing: Students, Teachers, Writers, British Library, London

27th April 2018:

Linguistics and Knowledge About Language in Education, Aston University

10th December 2017:

Grammar and writing, Prof D. Myhill, University of Exeter

24th July 2017:

Primary Matters Too, NATE, York

12th July 2017:

The Next Generation of Educational Research: Cutting Edge Methodology and World-Leading Ideas, BERA, London

11th July 2017:

Learning for Change: Researching Pedagogies, BERA, London

3rd July 2017:

English Grammar Day, British Library, London

8th June 2017:

Writing for Academic Journals, Professor P. Thomson, BERA, Nottingham

25th April 2017:

Text World Theory, University of Sheffield

10th February 2017:

Grammar: Now whether but how, University of Exeter

I presented an outline of my research.

Professional Meetings

27th February 2018:

UK Linguistics Olympiad, London

Graduate School Skills Workshops

16th May 2019:

Doing Quality Qualitative Analysis, University of Exeter

1st June 2018:

Social Media for ECRs, University of Exeter

8th February 2019:

Teaching English Grammar in Context, UCL

5th December 2018:

Grammar in the Writing Curriculum, Prof D. Myhill, University of Exeter

4th December 2018:

Teaching Spelling and Grammar, Dr. A. Wilson, University of Exeter