Edward Mills

Personal details





University of Exeter

MPhil student (with planned progression to PhD).


M.St, Modern and Medieval Languages (Wolfson College, University of Oxford)

One-year taught Master's, specialising in medieval French literature. Modules studied:

  • Special Subject: Anglo-Norman. ‘Defining and Distinguishing the Anglo-Norman fabliaux’ (7,000 words approx.)
  • Special subject: the Roman de la Rose. '‘Puis vendra Johans Chopinel’: rewriting and resisting the Roman de la Rose in the fourteenth century' (7,000 words approx.)
  • Methods of Scholarship: Palaeography and Textual Criticism. ‘An Anglo-Norman Marvels of the East (Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Digby 69): A Transcription, Edition and Commentary’ (5,000 words approx.)
  • Dissertation. ‘Poi sevent que senefie: Functions of Chess in Medieval French Literature’ (12,000 words approx.)


BA (Hons), Modern and Medieval Languages (Clare College, University of Cambridge)

Modules studied included:

  • Optional Dissertation. ‘Parallel traditions? Connections and contrasts between the Poema de Mio Cid and Huon de Bordeaux’ (10,000 words approx.)
  • Oral Examination. Examination on Year Abroad Project (Alexander romance).
  • Defining the Human in Medieval French Literature. Exam-based final-year paper. Texts studied included the Conte du Papegau, Mélusine, the lais, the Ovide moralisé, and the Roman de Silence.


CV: Membership of Professional Bodies/Professional Qualifications


Anglo-Norman Text Society

I am a member of the Anglo-Norman Text Society, a body of scholars working to promote the study and edition of Anglo-Norman texts.