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28th April 2015:

2015 GSE Conference

The Graduate School of Education (GSE) Annual Research Conference, University of Exeter, was hold for one day on April 28, 2015 in St. Luke’s Campus. Around 100 presenters, including staffs, students and practitioners, shared the results of their research in this seminar which consisted of parallel paper presentations, virtual presentations, poster presentations and workshops.
 The main aim of this program was to ‘facilitate the sharing of research interests within a climate of open inquiry, through lively exchange and critical debate’. In addition to that, the conference also offered participants the opportunity to disseminate their research, receive helpful feedback, be an active part of the GSE research community and enjoy experiencing the wonderful international culture.

I presented my paper entitled ‘Willingness to Communicate: Teachers’ beliefs, roles and interaction strategies’, which was written based on the mini research I conducted for EDD045 module assignment.

Besides taking a part as a presenter, I was also assigned as a member of committee which was in charge of public relation affairs and equipment used for visual presentations.