Thibaud Deruelle

Department: SSIS
Discipline: Politics
Research Centre/Unit: Amory Building, Streatham Campus

Supervisory Team

My first supervisor is Professor Isabelle ENGELI, my second supervisor is Dr Angela CASSIDY.

Authored Publications/Reports

Nathalie Brack, Thibaud Deruelle (April 2016) ‘Towards a More Politicised Inter-parliamentary Cooperation? The European Parliament’s Political Groups and the European Parliamentary Week’, in Lupo, N. and Fasone, C. (eds.) Interparliamentary cooperation in the composite European constitution, Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 131–146.

Thibaud Deruelle (December 2016) Bricolage or Entrepreneurship? Lessons from the Creation of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, European Policy Analysis, Volume 2, Number 2, 43-67