Ashleigh Haruda

Online Course

January 2016:

Statistical Shape Modeling

An online course offered by the University of Basel on the mathematics underlying three dimensional shape modelling. 

3rd November 2012:

Analysis of Organismal Form

An online course offered by the University of Manchester, aimed at postgraduates and researchers interested in using the software to describe complex geometrics of three-dimensional shapes (geometric morphometrics). Taken to support dissertation research in geometric morphometrics and their application to animal bone remains.


28th May 2015:

Morph 2015

Paper presented, 'Ovicaprid speciation using geometric morphometric methods: An investigation of astragalus morphology from Late and Final Bronze Age Central Asian contexts'

7th November 2014:

Association for Environmental Archaeology Annual Conference

Presented, 'The potential for detecting livestock exchange in Late Bronze Age Kazakhstan: Tracking sheep breeds across the steppe'

10th September 2014:

European Association of Archaeologists 20th Annual Meeting

Presented paper, 'Localized variation in caprine bone morphology in Late Bronze Age Kazakhstan.'

11th April 2013:

UK Archaeological Science and Association of Environmental Archaeology Spring Conference 2013

3rd November 2012:

Postgraduate Zooarchaeology Forum

Presented paper, 'Ancient Sheep Breeds in Kazakhstan'

3rd March 2012:

Fulbright South and Central Asia Conference

Presented paper entitled, 'Sheep Breeds in Kazakhstan: How Nomads Responded to their Environment' which detailed doctoral research methods and early results while on a Fulbright grant for the 2011-2012 year.

23rd August 2010:

11th Meeting of International Council for Archaeozoology

Presented 'Fringes of Empire: Changing Subsistence Patterns in Iron Age Kazakhstan'

Graduate School Skills Workshops

11th January 2011:

Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

Attended a seven part series of workshops to develop teaching and evaluation skills for seminars, lectures and laboratory instruction.

1st December 2010:

PEACE - Postgraduate Environmental Archaeology and Community Engagement

Workshop to develop community engagement skills for environmental archaeologists.