Betsy Lewis-Holmes

Personal details





Professional/research experience

July 7 2007:


~~I have over seven years experience working in the arts sector, including UCL Museums, Orleans House Gallery, the National Trust and the Royal College of Art, and am particularly interested in Arts, Health and Wellbeing. Research conducted for UCL Museums with Dr Helen Chatterjee (funded by Heritage Lottery Fund) on the therapeutic nature of handling museum objects has been published in The International Journal of the Inclusive Museum in 2013. In 2011/2 I managed a Wellcome Trust/Orleans House Gallery People Award (worth £25,000) on 'outsider' artist Madge Gill (1881-1961), which included producing a critical interdisciplinary catalogue that brought together specialists across the arts and biosciences. Currently I am working for NHS Hounslow and Richmond, managing an artwork commissioning scheme worth £15,000 that uses art and design to aid patients with dementia.