Jessica Monaghan

Personal details

Contact details:




Exeter University

PhD History:

PhD, AHRC funded.

'Simulating sickness: Perceptions of feigned illness within eighteenth-century British literature and culture'


Durham University

MA Early Modern History (Distinction):

Supported by a Durham University Arts and Humanities departmental scholarship.

Throughout my MA my research focussed upon early modern bodies, gender, and culture, and my dissertation, "Somatic self-expression in eighteenth-century British correspondence, 1730-1800", built upon the foundations of my BA research, employing an interdisciplinary approach that involved much literary as well as historical analysis.


Durham University

BA (Hons) History and English Literature (First Class):

My BA studies in joint honours covered a variety of early-modern historical themes and periods in addition to literature from the medieval to the modern periods, and culminated in my BA dissertation "Simulating Sensitivity: attitudes to affected nervous sensibility in eighteenth-century British literature and medicine".


CV: Membership of Professional Bodies/Professional Qualifications


Associate of the Higher Education Academy

I completed the LTHE level 2 course in 2013 and qualified as an Associate of the Higher Education Academy.


Society for the Social History of Medicine

I am a member of the Society for the Social History of Medicine.


Social History Society

I am a member of the Social History Society.