Robert Nantes

Department: History
Discipline: History

Project Summary

I completed my PhD research in 2020.  The title of my doctoral thesis was 'English Bankrupts 1732-1831: A Social Account'.  The account seeks to uncover the forgotten experience of some of the many thousands of people who became bankrupts in eighteenth-century England.  Sources drawn on include: legal records, personal correspondence, newspapers, advice literature, novels and plays.

Related Publications

'Bankrupt Biographies' (work in progress): a selection of biographies of English bankrupts, viewable @

Robert Nantes, 'English Bankrupts 1732-1831: A Social Account' (PhD thesis, 2020)

Robert Nantes, John Slade of Sherborne, Maltster and Bankrupt: Financial Ruin in Early Nineteenth-Century Dorset, 2nd edn (Sherborne: Sherborne Museum Abstracts, 2017)  Reprinted 2020

Robert Nantes, John Slade of Sherborne, Maltster and Bankrupt: Financial Ruin in Early Nineteenth-Century Dorset (Sherborne: Somerset & Dorset Family History Society, 2014)

Supervisory Team

The thesis was supervised by Professor Jonathan Barry, Professor Henry French, Dr Tawny Paul and Dr Richard Ward.