Sasiporn Phongploenpis

Sasiporn Phongploenpis

Project Summary

My EdD study entitled, "The Education of Bilingual Teachers: Preparation of Thai Student Teachers to Work in Bilingual Education in the Framework of Promoting bi-/multilingual competence required in the Future ASEAN Economic Community", examines to what extent an English teacher education programme in Thailand support its student teachers for teaching English in bilingual schools. The research results will hopefully come up with ways to improve the programme for such purpose.

Supervisory Team

1st Supervisor - Dr. Gabriela Meier, Lecturer in Language Education, College of Social Sciences and International Studies, University of Exeter. 

2nd Supervisor - Dr Philip Durrant, Lectuere in Language Education/Pathway Leader EdD TESOL (Exeter), Research Ethics Officer, College of Social Sciences and International Studies, University of Exeter.