Tanya Day Clark

Department: Education
Discipline: Graduate School of Education

Project Summary

Currently in my third year of the EdD TESOL, over the last two years I have conducted the following investigations:

A small-scale study empirical study, exploring the way in which two Maths teachers reflect on, and perceive changes to, their professional identity and relationship with their students as they negotiate implementing a directive to incorporate teaching using two languages into their secondary school math lessons. Through analysis of personal reflections on their experiences, this study revealed that the teachers’ perception of professional identity is altered by the experience of teaching in two languages. Contributing factors of linguistic limitations in the second language, preparation time, lack of training and specificity of approach all influence a transition in the teachers’ professional identity. As they interact with their students and negotiate a new professional identity within the altered classroom environment, the teachers experienced a shift in positioning. (2017)

A critical examination of formal classroom observation and teacher-linked student achievement analysis, two specific tools used to evaluate and appraise teacher performance in the classroom. This reflected on how these appraisal instruments affect the professional status of teachers and discusses the impact that this culture of performativity has on an understanding of the concept of professionalism. Through a personal examination of the author’s lived insider experience of teacher appraisal, school accreditation, inspection and classroom practice, this investigation problematized the impact of a culture of performativity in schools, particularly internationally accredited schools, and presented the argument that, due to the practical implementation of instruments of evaluation, a culture of performativity and accountability becomes inherent in teaching, which, in turn, diminishes the scope for professional judgement and reduces schools and teachers to a less confident ‘fabrication’ (Ball, 2003) of their truer selves. (2018)

A critical exploration of specific instances of teacher-student interactions that occur within the sociocultural context of their dual language secondary subject-specific classes, identifying some of the factors that shape this interaction. This research proposal outlines the a proposed study which I hope to conduct, highlighting the complexity of the effects and consequences of these factors on teachers, on their understanding of their own position in the classroom and on the methods of dual language teaching they employ within it. An added hope is to raise awareness of the demands the implementation of a language change directive places on teachers. (2018)